Brenda Simmons: A Little Creativity with Lots of Hugs | A Minute Smarter

Brenda Simmons from the African American Museum on Long Island shares her ideas on how to entertain your children on a limited budget.



Brenda Simmons, chair of the African American Museum of the East End (AAMEE)

One of my passions are encouraging single moms in having creative fun with your children on a low income.

Lots of love and lots of hugs! Let them help you in the kitchen. Paint each other's nails. Plan library Saturdays, perhaps choosing three books to read together during the week, and outdoor exercise at the local park, or even walking on the beach collecting beautiful shells, then either making shell necklaces or painting them, all the while spending quality time discovering and encouraging their gifts and talents and GIVING LOTS OF LOVE AND LOTS OF HUGS!!!  

This is a way to get inspired and keep the arts alive in your child's life.

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