Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera


Carson Higgins

Memphis The Musical

Breanna Bartley

C. Mingo Long

Kathryn Markey

David McDonald

Arthur L. Ross






Get DVD of this story - for Personal Use - at


Make sure to check out

Video Journalist Thomas Finn



Mackenzie Germain, Ariel,

Cassie Vitaly, Ariel, 

Freyja Goldstein, Ursula, 

Mayve Barth-Dwyer, Ursula, 

Mikayla Connolly, Flounder, 

Amanda Swickel, Flounder, 

Danny Feldman, Sebastian

Justin Autz, Sebastian

Ben Hefter, Prince Eric

Charles Hefter, Prince Eric

Ariana Valdes, Music Director

Alyson Clancy, Director

Marquez Stewart, Choreographer


For more information visit




Get DVD of this story - for Personal Use - at