Meet some of the human resource vendors that are making a difference in the workplace.
Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera
The Society for Human Resource Management – Long Island Chapter, or SHRM-LI, hosts its 24th Annual Conference & Exhibitors’ Showcase at the Crest Hollow Country Club.
Business professionals and organizations discuss how they are changing the workplace for the better. Some such ways are giving aid to returning war heroes on Long Island, motivating employees by rewarding them with Simon Malls gift cards, and offering senior citizens affordable health insurance.
Featured Interviews:
Joe Grignoli, Director
Welcoming Home Our Heroes Organization
Joe Sledge, Public Affairs Officer
Northport VA Medical Center
Nancy Gilbert, Director of Marketing
Roosevelt Field, Simon Property Group
Richard Liebert
Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center
Joe Battaglia, Principal
Senior Services of North America
Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD, LLC
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