Parents and kids alike can't get enough of the monster trucks and their daring drivers at Nassau Coliseum.




The gigantic engines of Monster Jam roar into the Nassau Coliseum to thrill kids of all ages.

Featured Interviews: Kieran and Jim Buchholz; Melissa Smith; Gary Porter, Grave Digger; Joe Obrien; Paul Cucuzzo; Liam, Ethan, and Steven Greene; Whit Tarlton, Spider-man; Brian; Max Cabrera


Queens-native Shana Einhorn shares her story and shows us some of her art.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.

By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera

A battle with cancer and a chronic illness led Shana Einhorn to use photography as a creative way to express her anxiety.

Featured Interviews: Shana Einhorn, Photographer

For more information visit:



Local women learn how to put work on hold and take care of themselves.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.

By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera

A group of local businesswomen jumpstart their lives by taking care of the one thing that they have ignored most, themselves.

Featured Interviews: Dr. Dorit Ben-Moha, Jump-Start My Life; Kerry Gillick-Goldberg, Publicist; Joan Bellontine, Grace for a Cure; Yonit Viner, Real Estate Broker

For more information visit:


We spend a minute with Douglas King as he discusses how his disability helps him keep the Wheels in Motion.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.

By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera

Educational speaker Douglas King brings awareness to Wheels in Motion, which aims to promote the welfare of those with disabilities.

Featured Interviews: Douglas King, Wheels in Motion Consulting

For more information visit: