Learn how to celebrate and cook a feast for Christmas like it was in the old days.



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By Video Journalist Stephanie Stern

Celebrate the holidays the old-fashioned way at the Old Bethpage Village Restoration.

Featured Interviews: Kenneth Quinn, Kerri Kiker & Karen Quinn, Old Bethpage Village Restoration

For more information visit: www.NassauCountyNY.gov


Can't find your favorite childhood candy anywhere?  Head to Bobb Howard's for a blast from the past.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.
By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera
When you enter Bobb Howard's General Store, you'll leave this millennium and take a sweet ride into the '50s and 60s.  Learn how this family business reinvented itself and developed an incredibly dedicated following.
Featured Interviews: Vinny Carella, Randy and the Rainbows; Ronnie Wysel & Eileen Caplin Wysel, Bobb Howard's General Store; Michael Hoehn, Mechanic, Bobb Howard's Auto Repair Shop; Mike Torem & Marie Seide, Customers
For more information visit: www.BobbHowardsGeneralStore.com


Learn what to look for when it comes time to pick out a quality diamond.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.
By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera
Claudia Copquin from GettingMarriedOnLongIsland.com takes us to London Jewelers where we get a basic education on selecting a wedding band.

Featured Interviews:
Claudia Copquin, GettingMarriedOnLongIsland.com
Guy Spaulding, Graduate Gemologist, London Jewelers
Ali Sullivan & Mike Harris, Customers
For more information visit: www.GettingMarriedOnLongIsland.com or www.LondonJewelers.com


Learn some good tips on how to keep your vinyl records in top playing condition.


    Purchase a PERSONAL COPY of this episode on DVD.

By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera

If you have a crate full of old records, John will provide handling and storage tips that will preserve the value of your hidden treasure.

Featured Interviews: John Desimone, Owner, Long Island Vinyl Exchange

For more information visit: www.LongIslandVinylExchange.com