Discover the closest national park to Long Island.
By Video Journalist Waldo Cabrera
When people think of Acadia National Park, they associate it with Bar Harbor. But, what they don't know is that this beautiful and adventurous family getaway spreads out over 10 different towns over 80 islands. It was established around 1916, when it only covered 5,000 acres of private land.
The park is one of the smallest of the 59 designated national parks spread over the country. It measures 35,000 acres, compared to Yellowstone's 2.2 million acres. Despite the difference in size, both parks welcome the same number of visitors: 2.5 million each year.
Guests enjoy the scenery and hikes through the rocky mountains and along the shoreline.
Featured Interviews:
John Kelly, Park Planner
Acadia National Park
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