By Waldo Cabrera The Garden City Hotel and The Harlan Agency team up to bring the first in a series of l "jingle and mingle" events with major sports celebrities. Dwight "doc" Gooden met with eager fans and made the holidays extra special for them all.
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By Waldo Cabrera


Bethpage Federal Credit Union partnered with Island Harvest to put on the largest one day turkey drive on Long Island.


The collection benefits Food pantries and agencies on Long Island in greater need for food during the holiday season.


Approximately 70,000 individuals seek food assistance weekly on Long Island from Island Harvest - through soup kitchens, food pantries and other feeding programs.



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The Center for Integrative & Innovation Therapies (The CIIT Center) through an integrative and comprehensive approach make it possible to treat each patient as a whole and treat the core, underlying health conditions and not just the symptoms.


Video Journalist Thomas Finn


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